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  • Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

  • 22 Nov 2019
  • 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM (CET)
  • Au Premier, Zurich HB, Bahnhofpl. 15, 8001 Zürich

Come out to vote at AGM!

We invite you, dear SMAAS Members to the Annual General Meeting on November 22 at Au Premier in Zurich.

The Executive Committee would like to report on the progress made so far. We would also like to showcase the upcoming events and other activities, planned for 2020. In addition, we will be voting in new SMAAS members and will table a number of amendments for you to vote on.

Lutz Hempel, Founder of Groovin' Organization and an inspirational speaker will also make an appearance at the event!

Please register for this event here.


Here to serve you,


SAAS Alumni Office | c/o Protaminex AG | Bahnhofstrasse 24 | CH-8001 Zürich | Switzerland | E-Mail: strathclydeCH@gmail.com




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